Work With Experienced Physical Therapists

Meet Our Therapists

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Bill Case, PT/Owner

  • Physical therapist for over 35 years with 20+ years in private practice
  • University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, TX
  • Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy - 1982
  • Postgraduate Sports Physical Therapy Specialist - 1987
  • Inventor: Diagonal Rotary Patterning Machine, Patent 1988
  • Lecturer on orthopedic injuries - nationally and internationally
  • Writer for The Physician and Sportsmedicine, Self, Men's Health, Fitness, and Prevention magazines
  • Keep Fit and Moving (DVD) for seniors to assist with balance, posture, flexibility, and strength
  • Author of Stand Tall, Don't Fall: Improve your Strength, Balance, Flexibility, and Posture

Bill's practice is goal-oriented to assist the patients with proper flexibility, muscle weakness, strengthening, and balance/posture during each rehabilitation visit. Treatments are individualized with measurable results recorded to meet the specific needs of each patient.

Bill, a former athlete throughout high school and college, and now an exercise enthusiast, understands the injury and recovery process. Physical therapy has helped him stay in the game while keeping up with his four active and athletic boys—William, James, Michael, and Christopher.